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The Ethics of Consumerism: Buying Less and Buying Better

The Ethics of Consumerism: Buying Less and Buying Better

By Brooke Hillis '26

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How Ethical is Consumerism?

当你购买消费品时,你会考虑该品牌对环境的影响吗? 最近,我越来越意识到我对环境的影响, and you might be having similar thoughts. Buying less and buying better are both extremely important concepts, 即使你对环保品牌不感兴趣, I urge you to buy less. Dr Sonali Diddi, a professor of Environmental Sustainability at Colorado State, wrote in an article for the Royal Geographical Society 研究表明,少买肯定有助于减少对不想要的衣服的需求. 在服装行业中,制造业之后影响最大的是消费者使用阶段. 少买些高质量的衣服可以大大减少对环境的影响.” 

当我们变得更有环保意识时,困难的问题就变成了, “What brands should I be supporting?” Well, I just made it a whole lot easier! 以下是我最喜欢的环保品牌,以及他们如何减少对环境的影响. If you’re interested in lowering your carbon footprint, purchasing from these brands is just a small step to get you going. 

Longchamp (Tote Bags)

Since 2019, 这个受欢迎的法国品牌一直在采取新的举措来“减少对环境的影响”.该品牌以其广受欢迎的手提包The Pliage而闻名,最近推出了一个新版本. The Pliage Green 是在他们最流行的尼龙手提袋上玩的,而是用回收帆布做的. As stated on the website, “Le Pliage Green是一个与环境和谐相处的邀请,这要归功于它的回收尼龙织物." The brand also packages their goods using low-waste materials, such as recycled paper or cardboard, to minimize packaging waste. 虽然这个包主要是作为工作包使用的,但它也可以作为一个很棒的书包! 最近,马克·雅可布的标志性手提袋开始在高中流行起来, 而Pliage Green正朝着更可持续的方向发展.

AGood Company (Water Bottles)

这个瑞典品牌,aggood公司,用回收钢材制作简单的瓶子. For every bottle sold, the brand donates 500ml of water to the Charity: Water这是一个非营利组织,为全球有需要的人提供清洁、安全的水. Their most popular reusable bottle, the Thermal Bottle它的设计初衷是让液体保持20小时的温暖,或保持48小时的寒冷. 该品牌在宣传这款产品时说,它是“耐用性的顶峰”,“重量轻,超耐用”,是完美的随身携带水瓶. 如果你发现你的瓶子被损坏或毁坏,你可以简单地把钢瓶放在回收箱里.

Eiken Shop (Backpacks)

Eiken Shop用100%可回收材料制作时尚的男女通用包和背包. Their backpacks are waterproof, GRS certified, and large enough to fit a 13 inch laptop or large ipad. 这些包是完美的可持续书包或工作包,粉丝们最喜欢的是 Mini Handy Vandra backpack. It is advertised as undoubtedly spacious,“With multiple interior and exterior compartments, a padded 13.6" laptop sleeve and a smart design, you'll never have to worry about leaving your necessities behind.“Eiken Shop的产品可以在任何地方使用,从露营和徒步旅行背包到 everyday school bags. So, when your old backpack breaks down, 而不是买一个只会让你用几年的不可持续的袋子, get an Eiken bag instead.

Cuyana (Clothing and Leather Goods)

Cuyana是一家总部位于旧金山的皮革制品公司,致力于维护他们的座右铭, “Fewer, better. Everyday.“奎亚纳创造了简单的服装和皮具,可以穿一辈子. 圭亚那在其网站上声明,其100%的供应商都致力于道德行为,包括使用可持续材料和强迫供应商遵守公平劳动法的行为 Our Suppliers page for more details). 尽管事实上,圭亚那属于“负担得起的奢侈品”类别, their goods are completely worth the investment! Cuyana的日常单品是一个简单,永恒和可持续的衣橱的必备品.

Athleta (Athletic Wear)

Athleta是一家运动服装公司,自1998年以来一直致力于通过易于移动的服装赋予女性权力. 他们是一家经过认证的B公司组织,正在努力使用木屑等可持续材料制造织物, wood pulps, and recycled scraps to help reuse materials. Athleta为女性和年轻女孩制作了精美的服装,是我个人的最爱. 这家运动服装公司推出了许多与露露柠檬相似的服装, but unlike Lulu, Athleta的产品更加环保和环保. 如果你是露露柠檬的爱好者,这绝对是一家你应该调查的公司!

Quince (Clothing)

昆斯的座右铭是:“我们相信优质的产品可以提升你的生活。.“就我个人而言,我喜欢昆斯,拥有他们的许多产品和衣橱必需品. As a brand, 昆斯解释了他们如何使用可持续材料和工厂声明, “我们与承诺负责任生产的工厂合作. 这意味着公平地支付工人工资,并尽最大努力以减少对环境破坏的方式生产.“我拥有的每一件昆斯(Quince)服装都是用舒适的面料和材料制成的,质量上乘. My favorite pieces from Quince are their cashmere sweaters and pieces from their washable silk collection. For such good quality the prices are a steal!

Moral of the Story: Bigger Isn’t Always Better

I know that reducing your impact on the Earth is hard, 但多穿环保服装和配饰是开始环保的好方法! So, the next time you go to click buy on that fast fashion top, 想想你的购买会对你周围的环境产生多大的影响. It isn’t just about buying from brands that support the environment, 这也意味着停止购买对环境有害的品牌. Finally, 永远记住,你对你周围的世界有影响,你可以改变.

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About the Writer

Brooke Hillis ‘26
Brooke Hillis ‘26

Assistant Managing Editor

Brooke Hillis is the assistant managing editor for the Raider Review and a member of the class of 2026. She lives in North Andover, Massachusetts.

In her free time Brooke plays tennis, reads, and roller skates. One of her favorite book genres is psychological thriller. 布鲁克主要为科学专栏写作,并期待着看到未来的写作作品 Raider Review!

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